About Dayna

I started my yoga practice in 2015. At first, practicing at home with YouTube videos. Then,  taking free classes where I worked. Finally, I got the nerve to take classes on the beach in Hollywood. Although I didn't feel I was really good at yoga, I did enjoy the movement and the way I felt after each class. That was what mattered right? So, I kept going and didn't really care whether I could keep up with others or not (although, secretly I did want to 😊). As I continued with my practice I realized that in time the flexibility, strength, and growth mindset would come. And if it didn't, that's okay too! 

I have been practicing seven years now, and I still struggle doing a proper Chaturanga. For me one of the most challenging postures is Chaturanga Dandasana. I don’t ever want anyone that comes to my class to feel judged. You do what you can do, you know to honor your body, and you take it one day at a time. If you feel like you struggle, know that it’s okay. We call it practice for a reason! 

I took the leap of faith and decided to dive deeper into gaining more knowledge by taking my yoga teacher training. It was a wonderful experience. I was fortunate to have a private training with my teacher Domenic Nappa.  It truly changed my whole way of thinking and opened my eyes to a mindset that I have never known. I look forward to sharing this healing practice with you. 

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